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An Interview with Emily Alice

I have been joined by 'Emily Alice' who has joined meet answer some questions about her music so you can find out more about her!

Welcome to Totally Music would you like to introduce yourself?

Hi, my name is Emily Alice, and I am an acoustic singer-songwriter from Lichfield, Staffordshire.

My debut single, Ice Blue, is available on all major streaming platforms now, and I am writing and recording lots of new music to be released soon!

What got you into music? 

My love for playing guitar was what initially got me into music. I have been playing guitar since I was seven, so 13 years now, starting to learn through classical guitar grades, and song writing and singing not being something I ever really thought about, at least for a good few years.

This classical guitar training led to me starting to want to learn pop songs at around the age of 12, and from there I realised I really enjoyed singing. Was I any good at it, probably not ha-ha,and I am very glad I don’t have any recordings of myself from back then. This enjoyment for singing and playing guitar then led to mw writing my first song at 14 for a GCSE mock composition exam, and since then I have never stopped.

Where do you draw your inspiration from for your songs? 

This is such an interesting question, and one I don’t think holds a straight answer. Whenever I

write, I wouldn’t say I take inspiration from anywhere particularly to begin with. Chords come first,then melodies, then lyrics. I suppose initially the chords need to feel right, I take most of my initial inspiration from those chords, and how I feel they can mould to create a unique or special melody. Once I have those chords and melodic ideas, most of the time the lyrics come naturally, and I really do not have any answer for how, it just feels so effortless and so right most of the time that I just adore it.

Once I have written the initial song upon my guitar, and I am starting to think about the

production and the end goal for the song, that for me is when inspirations from differing artists comes into play. Artists such as Lizzy McAlpine, Lewis Capaldi, Tori Amos, Kt Tunstall are all artists who I hold close to my heart, and ones which I feel resonate with my music I make perfectly. There are so many avenues I still want to explore with music however, the idea of more commercial styled music, but for now, my love for acoustic music is what I feel makes my music thrive.

What is your favourite song you have written and why? 

Writing is so diverse, and I would say I have now written around 30 songs if not more. Despite this I now would say I only have at maximum another 4 songs which I am working on to release, as being a songwriter, your styles and ideas change, and I feel much of what I have written recently is my favourite. For now, I would say two of my unreleased songs I See and You are my favourites, which I am working on at the minute and I can’t wait to share with people. They just hold a special place in my heart and are a new type of style for me, which I can’t wait to explore more.

Who would you most like to collaborate with and why? 

There are so many incredible artists out there, so this is tough, but I would have to say Sam

Fender would be an absolute dream and Alfie Jukes I love too. Their music is just stunning, and their songs are captivating, I would say I listen to them both on a daily basis, and to be able to work with either of them would be insane.

What has been your biggest career highlight so far? 

So far, I would say being able to release my debut single Ice Blue. It has had so many radio

plays, BBC Introducing West Midlands being the first, and Future Hits Radio have been so

supportive in every way. Releasing music can be pressurising and it can be really hard trying to perfect it, so releasing something I am so proud of was amazing, and a real career highlight.

What was the best advice someone gave you when you were starting as a musician? 

Don’t create music that you think is going to be popular, create music that you love, and the

people who are meant to hear it will. Your music means nothing if you don’t love it, so make sure you are proud of it and it will find its audience. The less you try to force a certain sound, the more naturally it will come to you, and before you know it the song you thought had no chance may be the one that makes you.

What is the most difficult thing about being a musician?

I would say the most difficult thing about being a musician is the whole uncertainty of it all. I’ll be honest I have cried many tears over how much I adore song writing and performing, it is all I have ever wanted to do, and the fact that it may never be reachable as a full time careers is heart-breaking. However, despite this, I try my best to be optimistic, I work so hard, gig weekly, write daily and am recording so much new music that I hope one day my music will be heard by many and my dream may be achieved. I am so grateful for the support I already have, and all of you lovely people mean the world to me! I can’t believe the things I I have already achieved, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

What is your dream venue to perform at? 

Within my 3 year plan, playing at Rock City in Nottingham, the 02 Institute in Birmingham, a

venue of that size would be a dream, hopefully as a support for an artist or I never know, maybe my own show. Within my 5 to 10 year plan, the 02 Arena, it has to be. That would just be incredible.

What’s next for you?

I am working on my next few singles at the moment! I am so excited and have so much

music within the works which I can’t wait to share with everyone. Thank you so much for

inviting me to be interviewed as a part of Totally Music, it means the world.

If you would like to check out 'Emily Alice's' Music you can find her music here:

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